Instytut Różnorodności językowej Rzeczpospolitej

Scholarship Programme (work in progress)

The Scholarship Programme is the Institute’s other tool of supporting activities designed to preserve and/or disseminate linguistic diversity in Poland; as opposed to the Grant Programme, it will address private individuals.

About the programme

The Scholarship Programme will be open to individuals engaging in creative or research activities associated with culture. Any scholarship-related tasks will have to be language-related, artistic or scientific in nature, and based on auteurconcepts. Every scholarship will be expected to yield an artwork: a literary piece, performance, script, exhibition or suchlike – or an academic work.

Scholarships will be offered to beginner authors, artists and/or scholars, as well as to individuals with ascertained artistic or scientific accomplishments.

The Scholarship Programme has been scheduled for formal announcement for early 2025. Programme rules and regulations, application forms, scorecards and activity delivery sample reports will be uploaded to the Institute’s website. Drop by to check for further information – or get in touch with the Institute’s staff.